Leading SAFe(规模化敏捷框架)认证课程-培训方案(2天)-V1.5(1)

Leading SAFe(规模化敏捷框架)认证课程-培训方案(2天)-V1.5(1)

    林伟丹  资深敏捷顾问,SPC、CSP、M3.0 Facilitator、Exin/PMI Trainer   

    管理(lǐ)3.0认证引导师、SPC规模化敏捷认证咨询师、DevOpsDays中國(guó)社區(qū)核心组织者、EXIN DevOps Professional / VeriSM /LeanIT认证讲师、凤凰项目沙盘认证引导师、PMI-ACP敏捷项目管理(lǐ)授权讲师、ICAgile认证敏捷教练 (ICP-ACC)、认证Scrum@Scale Practitioner;认证LeSSPractitioner、LeanKanban學(xué)院认证KMP;Scrum联盟认证CAL,CSP,CSM,CSPO;NPDP國(guó)际产品管理(lǐ)认证、ACTGroup联合创始人、《2018全球DevOps现状调研报告》《SAFe4.0精粹》《DevOps最佳实践》翻译与审校成员;《管理(lǐ)智慧——成功研发团队的18条管理(lǐ)启示》案例作者;《Scrum精髓》《SAFe4.0参考指南》校译者


    SAFe是目前國(guó)际上最流行的规模化敏捷方法,将敏捷实践从团队级(team level)有(yǒu)效扩展到项目群级(program level)乃至企业级(portfolio level);SAFe也是一套开放的精益-敏捷知识體(tǐ)系,基于






    • 企业管理(lǐ)层
    • PMO
    • 项目群经理(lǐ)、项目经理(lǐ)
    • 产品经理(lǐ)
    • 团队负责人
    • 敏捷教练



    通过考试获得“SAFe Agilist (SA) ”(最新(xīn)4.6版本)國(guó)际权威认证的规模化敏捷证书

    • 系统性學(xué)习如何在规模化的产品線(xiàn)乃止在企业中整體(tǐ)引入敏捷思想和实践
    • 从引导式、浸入式的互动研讨与沙盘演练中,切身體(tǐ)验规模化敏捷的工作方式,并从业界领先企业案例中获得启迪
    • 可(kě)免费获得敏捷相关的若干实践案例、书籍推荐及電(diàn)子學(xué)习资料
    • 可(kě)免费加入SAFe中國(guó)社群及华南交流群,交流专业话题,结交志(zhì)同道合的朋友


    1. Introducing theScaled Agile Framework
     1.1 Recognize the problem to be solved
     1.2 Know the basic constructs of SAFe
     1.3 Apply the Implementation Roadmap
    2. Embracing aLean-Agile Mindset
    2.1 Embrace the Leanmindset
     2.2 Support the Agile Manifesto
    3. Understanding SAFePrinciples
    #1 Take an economicview
    #2 Apply systems thinking
    #3 Assume variability; preserve options
    #4 Build incrementally with fast, integrated learning cycles
    #5 Base milestones on objective evaluation of working systems
    #6 Visualize and limit WIP, reduce batch sizes, and manage queuelengths
    #7 Apply cadence, synchronize with cross-domain planning
    #8 Unlock the intrinsic motivation of knowledge workers
    #9 Decentralize decision-making
    4. CreatingHigh-Performing Teams and Programs
    4.1 Formcross-functional Agile teams
    4.2 Organize Agile Release Trains around the flow of value
    5. Experiencing PIPlanning
    5.1 Prepare toexperience PI Planning
    5.2 Create and review draft PI plans
    5.3 Finalize plans and establish business value
    5.4 Review final plans and commit to a set of PI Objectives
    6. Exploring,Executing, and Releasing Value
    6.1 Continuouslydeliver value with Agile Release Trains
    6.2 Continuously explore customer needs
    6.3 Prioritize the Program Backlog
    6.4 Continuously integrate
    6.5 Continuously deploy with DevOps
    6.6 Release on Demand
    6.7 Relentlessly improve results
    7. Leading theLean-Agile Enterprise
    7.1 Apply transformation leadership
    7.2 Drive change with vision
    7.3   Lead with authenticity
    7.4 Grow leaders and develop people
    7.5 Encourage innovation
    8. Empowering a LeanPortfolio
    8.1 Connect theportfolio to enterprise strategy
    8.2 Fund Value Streams
    8.3 Establish portfolio flow
    8.4 Support Agile Portfolio Operations
    8.5 Apply Lean Governance
    9. Building LargeSolutions
    9.1 Coordinate and integrate multiple ARTs and suppliers
    9.2 Define large solutions
    10. About the Exam